To further complement the extending portfolio of our HALIOS lab water series, our HALIOS both in 6L and 12L is now also available with an EDI module.
Electrodeionization (EDI) also called continuous electrodeionization (CEDI), is a water treatment technology that utilizes electricity, ion exchange membranes and resin to deionize water and separate dissolved ions (impurities) from water. The EDI module acts, in effect, as an ion exchange bed which is continuously regenerated electrically. It consists of a set of chambers filled with ion exchange resins and separated by ion-exchange membranes. Water enters the module, where an externally applied electric field forces ions to move through the resins and across the membranes.
As the impurities are removed via the concentrates, they do not build-up and exhaust the resin. An EDI cell may operate for many years before a replacement is required. Typically, product water resistivity of >15 MΩ.cm is consistently achieved using this process. So that the lifetime of the final polishing module will be increased significantly. Additionally, the EDI technology also reduces the release of organic impurities.
Here are the other advantages of the EDI technology:
The option of having an EDI module is now available for our HALIOS 6 | 12. Contact us at to discuss your needs and we are very happy to offer a non-binding consultation with you.